Latest Answers for the Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2 Anniversary Edition Speakers

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So, if you're diving into the B&W 606 S2 speakers, the bass response is something you'll definitely want to pay attention to. First off, just a heads-up—these are passive speakers, which means you'll need to hook them up to an external amplifier or AV receiver.

According to the manufacturer, the 606 S2 speakers come with some nifty parts like a Decoupled Double Dome Aluminum tweeter and a Continu

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The Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2 Anniversary Edition speakers have their fair share of fans for their detailed sound, but they might not be everyone’s cup of tea. If you’ve heard people saying they're a bit bright or harsh, especially in the treble range, you’re not alone. Our research indicates that some folks find the treble a bit strong, making dialogue sound a bit sharp or sibilant when the volume

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The Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2 Anniversary Edition speakers sound pretty impressive if you're into high-quality audio.

Now, they don't have Bluetooth, but if you're on board with going the traditional wired route, they can really shine in your setup. They use Auxiliary connections, so you'll need some good old speaker wires to get them going.

From what we've found, these speakers offer a cool feat

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